
Below is the list of most notable web technologies our team is proficient with. But if a tech you need is not on this list, it does not necessarily mean we can’t work with it. Please do not hesitate to contact us and inquire.


The most popular server-side programming language for web development. Fast, stable, secure, and open-source. Used on 75% of all websites whose server-side programming language is known.


As its creators put it, “Ruby is A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.”
We get the most out of Ruby’s virtues by using it in our projects.


The definitive standard in mobile operating systems in terms of quality, reliability, and visual appeal, iOS is the foundation of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch – the most popular mobile devices in the world. The main programming language used for developing native iOS applications is Objective-C.


Engineered by Google, Android is an extremely popular open-source Linux-based operating system powering countless mobile devices – primarily smartphones and tablets. Applications for Android are developed in Java using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK).


One of the most popular relational databases. Free, open-source, and cross-platform. A very fast, reliable, secure and cost-effective competitor to the other more expensive databases. Ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses.


Powerful, open source object-relational database system that boasts of its reliability and correctness.

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal

These CMS use software and a database to manage and organize website content, making it easy for non-technical users to maintain and expand their websites by creating and managing content via a graphical user interface.

PrestaShop, Magento

These ready-made e-commerce solutions significantly reduce development time and costs of your online shop, while providing enough customization options to make your shop stand out from the competition.

PHP Frameworks

We can work with any existing PHP framework. When we develop applications from scratch (as opposed to working on a pre-existing application developed by third parties), we usually prefer either YII Framework or CodeIgniter, but if your particular project warrants the use of a different one, we will use whichever framework is the most suitable or specifically required by you.


Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework written in Ruby that makes development more productive and effective.

Linux Servers

Linux is the most popular free operating system, with millions of people all over the world preferring it to commercial alternatives. Extremely secure and reliable, which makes it the best choice for hosting and running web applications.

Apache, Nginx

Secure, efficient and extensible open-source web servers that provide HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards and are a generally accepted industry standard.


Industry-standard markup language for displaying web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. The core publishing language of the World Wide Web that now includes native support for rich media elements, geo-location, offline data storage and more.


Industry-standard style sheet language intended to simplify the process of making web pages visually presentable. Combined with HTML, dramatically reduces the cost of building and maintaining a website when compared to legacy HTML-only pages. It now includes the extended arsenal of features and tools offering substantial benefits when implementing designs, which makes websites even more flexible.


A versatile and effective client-side scripting language used to extend functionality in websites. Uses range from on-screen visual effects to processing and calculating data on web pages.


A fast and concise JavaScript library that simplifies client-side scripting, substantially reducing development time and costs.